Live news

Protesters clash with police in Istanbul
We covered the outbreaks of violence on the streets of Istanbul. Working with a freelance photographer (whose pictures appear here) we provided live copy of the unfolding events. We initiated our coverage after we saw that protestors were engaging police officers with direct action. We moved between the police lines and the masses of protestors in order the capture views and images from both sides. Clarity Economics has in the past been on hand in the wake of the 1996 bomb in South Quay, London, that broke the IRA’s 17-month ceasefire, and the Brixton riots of 1995.

Emerging Markets – 6th October 2009
By Phil Thornton
Riot police fired tear gas canisters and water cannon at rock-throwing protesters today, as a march organised to protest against the IMF’s annual meetings in Turkey turned into a violent confrontation. Several hundred demonstrators clashed with police in the streets surrounding Taksim Square, just 200 metres from the Istanbul Congress Centre where the IMF meetings are being held. As rioters clashed with police wearing body armour in the centre of the Turkish capital, shoppers ran for cover and businesses shuttered up their businesses to escape the rocks and tear gas…
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Face-to-face interviews
We also have experience of carrying out face-to-face interviews with senior figures in economic, business and politics both live at the scene of an event or in a more formal setting. We have conducted interviews with Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank, Caroline Anstey, Vice-President of the IMF, George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, the former Chancellor.

Zoellick sees protectionism threat
Emerging Markets, 21 September 2011
By Phil Thornton
A resurgence in protectionism in emerging markets could exacerbate the crisis, World Bank president Robert Zoellick told Emerging Markets.The global economy has entered a “dangerous period” amid fears of rising protectionism, higher food prices, and a failure by politicians to tackle the eurozone debt crisis, World Bank President Robert Zoellick has warned…
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